IN THE GORILLA CAGE – by Cha Cha da Vinci (dramaturgy by Nicole Leroux)
A true story about two unlikely lovers Carlo & Cat. One's a wanted small time bank robber they other's an up and coming singer. The film shares how they fell hard for each other and how society ultimately let them down and tore them apart forever. This film is Cha Cha da Vinci's first feature film.
STATUS: 5th Draft
Leroux is currently writing her feature film Saving Myself (From Myself). A romantic comedy about love, work, and family dynamics.
STATUS: First Draft
THE RED SHIFT - by Nicole Leroux (dramaturgy by Vern Thiessen*)
THE RED SHIFT welcomes you to a Canada in the not too distant future. A country where citizens no longer see themselves reflected in the decisions of federal parliament. With an election a long three years away, the Anglophones of Quebec saw voting oui as a coup d’état that would force a federal election. The now sovereign Francophones have a different plan. THE RED SHIFT follows Louise as she tackles questions surrounding her childhood, heritage, and her decision to pen the article that completed Rene Levesque and the Parti Quebecois’ movement. THE RED SHIFT finally gives a voice to the bicultural few that are caught in the middle of our nation’s 300 year old culture war and asks:
“Why must it be that for one culture to survive another must die?” – THE RED SHIFT
A RED SHIFT is about choices and the repercussions those choices have, whether they be personal, political or environmental. THE RED SHIFT was first produced at the 2006 Toronto Fringe Festival, was ‘Best of Fringe’ (EYE Magazine), and received national attention. (Please visit PRESS for more info.)
STATUS: Working on final production draft.
* Vern Thiessen is a Governor General Award winning playwright (Apple, Einstein’s Gift, Shakespeare’s Will)
HOPE IN CHAOS – by Heather McCuen (dramaturgy by Nicole Leroux)
A play detailing the drama of 9-11 from the untold story of the ground zero workers. A true story, McCuen reveals how strangers bound together to accomplish a common goal, how they rose to the occasion to assume roles they didn’t know were personally possible, and how the game of politics destroys hope in the midst of human tragedy.
STATUS – Poduced in Montreal Nov 2010 & in New York City Sept 2011